Good point, the servo adapter
In the rush to send it to Mike and you, we did not test how fit the adapters ( we loose the train in this one)
The previous system used two spacers and was smallest diameter, then did not touch the adapter
About removing the brake plate is how you talk with Gus before ordering ,unfortunately is 50% quick release in the open differential model
The system was designed for the new V-4 and X-4 with the enclosed differential
This week we will finish the QR servo tray system
and test in all the cars we have
X-4 V-4 enclosed differential , open differential, with MCD alloy engine carrier, and standar plastic ones, servo adapters ect,
We did a new X-4 brake plate which fits perfect in our W5 FT with MCD alloy engine carrier (I agree with you Mike , I do not know why MCD not fix it yet)
We post the pictures here when finished
In the on-road X-4 we will use small servos
and we will make a special servo tray for use with these servos directly without adapters
The benefit: lighter, cleaner, less screws
disadvantage: if you want to use large servo, no way to go back.
Also we post pictures when finished
probably next week